The Revolutionary Think Tank

In a world where fiction is more prevalent than fact; comedy is more prevalent than responsibility; and opinions are the rule of the land; comes the think tank of the people. Join MysterE and 4.I.S as they discuss political commentary, protest music and revolutionary thinking to bring back power to the people.

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Sunday Jan 07, 2024

In this episode 4.I.S and MysterE discuss the taboo topics around revolutions in 21st century discourse.
Watch the podcast here:

Monday Dec 25, 2023

Merry Elfmas RTTP listeners! 
In today's episode MysterE and 4.I.S have some fun discussing the history of Santa and Consumerism. There are a lot of juxtapositions between the Santa tale and a Christmas Carol.

Sunday Dec 03, 2023

In this episode mystere and 4.I.S discuss Marx's revolutionary theory, prophecy and whether he was wrong about it.
Watch the episode:

Sunday Nov 19, 2023

In this episode MysterE and 4.I.S discuss the Niche Paradox and how infighting has resulted from a lack of vision and solidarity on the left side of politics.
Watch the podcast:
Listen to the podcast:

Sunday Nov 05, 2023

MysterE appears on the Friendlyjordies podcast where he talks about his work, experience and why here's here in the 21st century.
Watch the podcast here:

Saturday Oct 21, 2023

In this episode 4.I.S goes in detail about his experience being a volunteer for the Yes campaign. Whilst there are silver linings, there is much to learn about communication and the role of the media.
Correction: 4.I.S did conflate the facts from the "poisoning the debate: How the Murdoch press is campaigning against the voice to parliament" report about the 70%/30% yes and no split. These figures referred to Murdoch and News Corp media outlets and not to the ABC. 
Listen to the podcast here:
Or here:

Episode 40 - Altruism

Sunday Oct 15, 2023

Sunday Oct 15, 2023

In this episode MysterE & 4.I.S talk about the wonderful story of Henry Sugar and the origins of Altruism.
4.I.S channel:
MysterE channel:

Sunday Oct 01, 2023

In this episode we discuss how self help is really just like socialism. The core values are the same, they just diverge on the end game. So what can self help do to help itself? Apply it's own logic better!
MysterE channel:
4.I.S channel: 

Sunday Sep 17, 2023

The Charter of the Forest was a contemporary document to the Magna Carta, but no one really knows about it. From today's perspective it's one of the most revolutionary documents in western history, laying out the terms of equitable access to common lands and use of the natural world for all, not just some. Importantly, it acknowledges the importance of responsibility and sustainability. And gives some important clues for how to interpret the Robin Hood legend.

Sunday Sep 03, 2023

Chicken Run (2000) is a revolutionary kids movie that touches on some important themes about working class consciousness, solidarity and struggle against the ravages of industrial capitalism. In this episode we explore just how this revolutionary tale represents our current problems and why it should give us hope for our own run to freedom!
MysterE channel:
4.I.S channel: 

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